Duck Dynasty's John Luke and Mary Kate Robertson say marriage has made them 'more patient'

John Luke cuddles a dog which he bought for his wife Mary Kate Robertson. (Instagram/Mary Kate Robertson)

It seems like "Duck Dynasty" stars John Luke and Kate Robertson, who tied the knot in June last year, are not yet done with the honeymoon stage of their marriage since they profess to be even more in love today than they were when they first started dating.

The couple talked to ABC News about their relationship, saying it takes a lot of hard work to nurture this relationship. "We have made each other more patient. When you are stuck together you have to be patient with each other or go crazy," said John Luke. "I love how caring Mary Kate is. She is the best wife I could have asked for."

Meanwhile, Mary Kate said the secret to their happiness is being "able to laugh at each other."

The two make it a point to always have dinner together no matter what's going on in their lives. After that, they are free to "do school work and whatever else we are working on."

John Luke also said some couples might idealise marriage and think it's great being together all the time, but it can get difficult because "when you are dating, you get into a fight, you can go to your separate houses and think about it. When you're married, where are you gonna go?"

The two are currently studying in Liberty University, a Christian school located in Lynchburg, Virginia. Mary Kate is very keen on starting a family of their own already, so John Luke got her a dog, which is "holding her at bay right now."

"I love kids so much and [I] am so excited for babies, but we definitely want to wait till we finish school," explained Mary Kate. "That's why we went ahead and got a dog."

Meanwhile, John Luke is also busy promoting his new book called "Young and Beardless: The Search for God, Purpose and a Meaningful Life," which shares the ups and downs of their relationship and how God helped them through it all.

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