'Dragon Quest XI' introduces new amazing battle features to the game

Square Enix just shared information about the upcoming "Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time" and it is packed with new additions to the game. The details were reported via Weekly Shonen Jump and many are already looking forward to what else is to come.

A screenshot from "Dragon Quest XI" Trailer featuring the protagonist Youtube/スクウェア・エニックス

In the latest copy of the Weekly Shonen Jump, Square Enix shares details about two new battle systems that is coming to the game. The first one is called the "Zone," a special powered-up state where the player's character will perform to their highest ability. The zone can be activated after receiving big damages from enemy attacks. Once activated, the character will be surrounded by a blue light, unleashing its full potential. The state will continue for quite a long time and can last until the next battle.

Aside from powering up the characters, the zone also allows the players to do co-operational skills. This will enable the players to launch an all-out attack together with their team and will prove to be very helpful in facing strong enemies.

In line with this new feature, "Dragon Quest XI" is also adding a skill set called Link techniques. Link is a powerful attack made with other party members. Each Link technique depends on the characters' skills and learned spells.

Link Techniques also differ per character combinations. For example, Protagonist, Silvia, and Row can create a link technique called the "Rose Hurricane." It is a powerful whirlwind attack that will leave the enemy in the dust.

Another technique is called "Falcon Dance," an attack made by the combination of Camus and the protagonist. It is a sword technique that launches a chain attack that cuts through enemies. The last link sample would be the full party "Giga Burst." It is the party's ultimate move that launches a shining blade.

"Dragon Quest XI: In Search of Departed Time" is scheduled to be released for the 3DS and PlayStation 4 on July 29 in Japan.