Bandai Namco certainly does not stint on providing updates for "Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2." The company just announced that it will be releasing more downloadable content (DLC) for the game. Super Pack 3 will be based on the "Future Trunks" saga from the anime series.
Three new characters will become playable in the upcoming DLC — Goku Black Rose, Zamasu, and Bojack. The last one can become a Master if players own Bojack's Costume, which is available at the TP Medal Shop. Players should note, however, that this store is only open during weekends. Having Bojack as a Master will unlock new quests and will grant access to more Skills, Marks, Chats, and Nicknames.
Aside from the new characters, Super Pack 3 will also bring in three new parallel quests, five additional skills, four costumes, five super souls, and two emotes. It is still unclear, however, if the upcoming DLC will also come with free content, similar to the case of the two previous packs.
This is the third DLC that Bandai Namco will release since the game rolled out late last year. A fourth one will come out later this year, although its exact launch date is still unconfirmed. The company announced the impending release of the "Future Trunks" pack when the second DLC was launched early this month.
The third DLC pack will be made available both in Japan and in the West. It is already included in the game's Season Pass, but players who do not have the pass can purchase the third DLC on its own for $9.99. Super Pack 3 will roll out in April.
"Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2" was released in October 2016, and it is playable on the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC via Steam. The game will also be released for the Nintendo Switch, although the release date of the game's Switch version is still unknown.