'Dragon Ball Super' episode 71 spoilers: Assassin to kill Son Goku, ordered by Champa?

A promotional photo for "Dragon Ball Super." Toei Animation

Contrary to previous speculations that "Dragon Ball Super" was set to call it quits after the "Future Trunks" story arc, the show is said to head towards a new plot that will be shown next month. However, the upcoming saga might be off to a bad start as it is rumored that Son Goku might be pushing daisies courtesy of a notorious assassin.

The rumor about the upcoming story arc continues to grow each day as a video that was uploaded about a week ago boasted a Japanese magazine donning a promotional poster for "Dragon Ball Super's" upcoming episodes. Per the video, the magazine translation suggests that Son Goku's life is in peril as an assassin from another universe will be sent to kill the legendary Saiyan.

The video also stated that the assassin being talked about is Hit whom Son Goku previously faced and eventually beat in the tournament among the 12 universes. What's surprising is the statement made by the narrator of the video saying that Son Goku will be killed by Hit which is a feat that Zamasu and Goku Black failed to deliver in the entirety of the "Future Trunks" saga.

That being said, it's a huge question mark now as to who placed a bounty on Son Goku's head. Some who got to check out the video believe that Lord Beerus' kin, Champa of Universe 6, may have served the death warrant, though it's still too early to tell, not to mention that the said episode won't be shown until Dec. 18.

Prior to the impending tragedy, it is said that three more episodes will be shown this coming Nov. 27, Dec. 4 and 11. Meanwhile, the Dec. 18 episode is said to be titled "Goku dies! Assassination Order That Must Be Performed."

"Dragon Ball Super" airs Sundays, 9 a.m. JST on FujiTV.