'Dragon Ball Super' episode 120 spoilers: Universe 3 merged warrior attacks Universe 7, Gohan defends team

Official image of "Dragon Ball" featuring the Super Saiyans Toei Animation Website

Although many were disappointed that Piccolo was eliminated from the Tournament of Power in the Japanese animated series "Dragon Ball Super," the erasure of Universe 4 was quite satisfactory. Fans of the anime are now looking forward to episode 120, which will feature Gohan in action and another merged warrior.

To recall, episode 119 featured the elimination of Katopesla by Vegeta and insectoid Damon by Android 17. The formidable invisible enemy, Gamisarasu, was also defeated, which resulted in the erasure of Universe 4. With that, only Universe 3, 7, and 11 remain in the Tournament of Power.

Fans are aware that Jiren of Universe 11 is very strong and tough. Goku and Hit, Universe 6's strongest warriors, both failed to defeat Jiren. Because of this, it is quite obvious that Universe 3 would be the next team to be erased. Universe 7 still has Goku, Vegeta, the twin Androids, Gohan and Frieza. All the remaining fighters of Universe 7 have great power, making it very challenging for Universe 3 to defeat them. However, Universe 3 has been hiding a secret attack that will surprise Universe 7.

"Dragon Ball Super" episode 120 is titled "The Perfect Survival Tactic! Universe 3's Menacing Assassin!!" that will feature the attack of the Universe 3 warriors. The preview for the next episode features the fusion of robotic warriors Borareta, Pancea, and Koitsukai. Fans call this as Megazord fusion, which is similar to the merged robot of "Power Rangers." Others also call it "Voltes Five style" fusion because of how the three robots get together to form a more powerful fighter.

Aside from the attack of Universe 3, it appears that Gohan will come forward to face them. The preview shows Gohan breaking some sort of barrier using the Kamehameha wave. Fans are also wondering if Gohan could get a new transformation on the next episodes of "Dragon Ball Super."

Catch "Dragon Ball Super" episode 120 on Sunday, Dec. 17., at 8:15 pm on FujiTV.