'Dragon Ball FigtherZ' news: Bandai Namco releases FighterZ's cinematic trailer with all characters in combat

Screenshot from the cinematic trailer of upcoming fighting video game "Dragon Ball FighterZ" by Bandai Namco YouTube/Bandai Namco Entertainment America

Bandai Namco Entertainment finally released the cinematic trailer of its upcoming fighting video game "Dragon Ball FigtherZ." The one-minute video teaser features all characters in roster in action.

December has been a big month for the game, several content videos being released by Bandai Namco. The video game company recently announced that it will launch an open beta for "Dragon Ball FighterZ" on Jan. 14, 2018.

The cinematic trailer showcases all playable characters in the game in combat. All characters confirmed so far are Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Gohan (young and adult version), Piccolo, Krillin, Yamcha, Tien, Android 18, Nappa, Captain Ginyu, Frieza, Cell, Majin Buu, Kid Buu, Gotenks, Hit, Goku Black, and Beerus.

The video generated excitement among individuals who are waiting for the video game's official release on Jan. 26, 2018.

The trailer features Android 17 but only as a support character for 18. The cinematic trailer includes the main antagonist of the video game's story mode, Android 21. There are still no updates from Bandai Namco if Android 21 will be a playable character after finishing the story campaign.

Bandai Namco has also been releasing character breakdown videos. The latest videos include detailed presentation for Gotenks, Gohan, Yamcha, and God of Destruction, Beerus.

The video gaming giant is inviting players to download the upcoming open beta this coming January. People who have pre-ordered the game will gain earlier access to the beta test on Jan. 13, 2018. According to GamesRadar, "Dragon Ball FigtherZ" is one of the most anticipated video game releases in 2018, and it is set to bring great nostalgia to longtime fans of the "Dragon Ball" anime series. 

Gamers are excited for the video game's three versus three team fight combat mode. People are also excited for the dramatic scenes to be featured in the video game that will allow people to relive some of the most iconic battles in the anime.