'Dragon Ball FighterZ' news: Support characters revealed; teaser trailer gives sneak peek into 'Forbidden Story'

"Dragon Ball FighterZ" will be out February 2018. Twitter/BandaiNamcoUS

There is still a bit of wait until the launch of "Dragon Ball FighterZ" but there have been updates here and there that have gathered praise. Even before its official launch, the game is already being touted as being very faithful to the source material and a recent report proved just that.

Due to the closed beta testing that took place, there are a lot of gameplay footage that circulated around the internet, and if the footage of the gameplay says anything, it is clear how much thought was placed into the title. One example that can be noted is that while players are in the game as Android 18 trying to complete the three-meter Meteor attack, the animation will change depending on whether or not her husband Krillin is in the player's party.

If Krillin is not around, then her brother Android 17 will be there to lend a helping hand. Speaking of Krillin, he is usually the character to go when it comes to giving Sensu Beans to the heroes and this also applies in "FighterZ" as Krillin will pop in and toss the player a bean as an assist.

There is also Goku, of course. Those who loved "Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F" know about his close-range punch on Frieza, and that will be included in the game as well. The one-inch punch will function as a command grab, which will have Goku pointing at his opponent before dealing a strong blow.

Meanwhile, a few weeks ago, a teaser trailer for "Dragon Ball FighterZ" was released and it gave fans a look at what they can expect from the game's single-player mode. The trailer also featured "Forbidden Story," which includes the game's cast and a brand-new original character, whose creation was overseen by Akira Toriyama.

While this is not the first time everyone has seen a group of evil-looking Gokus and darker versions of the characters, the trailer does show some footage of the recently unveiled Android 21 as well as her connection with Android 16, a big fan favorite that will be coming to "Dragon Ball FighterZ" as well.

"Dragon Ball FigherZ" will come out in February 2018 for PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4.