Dr. Michael Brown says compassion for transgenders shouldn't change people's language

Michael L. Brown says, 'No amount of compassion for a young person struggling with gender identity issues can justify the radical transformation of the English language.' (Facebook/Michael L. Brown)

Back in the good old days, there was nothing wrong in using the pronouns "he" or "she." However, because of LGBT activism, people today are being discouraged from using those pronouns out of fear of offending the homosexual community, Christian radio host Dr. Michael Brown says.

Writing for The Christian Post, Brown says this mindset is wrong. "No amount of compassion for a young person struggling with gender identity issues can justify the radical transformation of the English language, yet that is exactly what is being called for by transgender activists," he writes.

Brown says Christians need to speak out against this radical agenda because it's just ludicrous. He specifically cites the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in North Carolina, which recently implemented new regulations supporting transgender students.

The schools provided rules for the proper use of pronouns so that people can "refer to transgender student by preferred names and pronouns."

In the official instructional video titled "The Importance of Pronouns," one student who identified as a "non-binary transgender youth," or a person who chooses to identify as neither male or female, explains why they prefer to use the pronouns "they, them and theirs" when referring to themselves.

"Other students and faculty are expected to follow suit, and on this same video, a high school teacher says that it's important that a transgender student be able to communicate these things at the beginning of the school year so everyone can comply," the student says.

Brown says feelings cannot justify the creation of these new, totally individual perceptions and pronouns. At the same time, the use of pronouns can get pretty confusing especial with several trans students in one class.

"What if you had several trans students in your class and one of them wanted to be referred to as tey, another as fae, another as per, another as sed, another as xie, another as thon? You would need a scorecard to get this right," he says.

Brown is urging every student, parent, and educator to oppose this nonsense. While they have compassion for kids who are struggling with their genders, they should "refuse to turn the world upside down on their behalf, no matter what tey, ey, fae, vae, thon, per, kye, jee, lee, ne, zed, co, or bun has to say."

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