'Doomsday Clock' comic news: 'Watchmen' integration into DC universe a success

DC's promotional image for "Watchmen" DC Comics

One of the most anticipated DC universe crossovers has finally happened, as "Doomsday Clock" successfully introduced "Watchmen" to the DC's Justice League mythos.

Writer Geoff Johns, artist Gary Frank, and colorist Brad Anderson have captured legendary comic book writer Alan Moore's tone and style in "Doomsday Clock," sating both fans of "Watchmen" and the Justice League. Similar to how the dark and ominous narrative of "Watchmen" melds in seamlessly with DC universe, Johns has also managed to combine his contemporary writing with Moore's trademark of cruel analogies and paranoid characters.

This was a rather tall order which Johns and company have overcome, as many comic book fans hold Moore's original "Watchmen" graphic novel to a certain level of reverence, and many have even agreed that it should be left untouched. However, "Doomsday Clock's" successfully added more twists, enemies, and friends in the Justice League's members' lives, with the tie-in also improving upon the "Watchmen" mythos.

As per Gamespot, the story actually feels logical, even for a Justice League narrative, most of which have a penchant for being convoluted. The website has also claimed that those who were skeptical at the prospect of the crossover will be pleased and even have their opinions changed.

"Doomsday Clock" is set to be the follow-up in the events of the DC Rebirth's "The Button" a.k.a. the Batman/The Flash crossover, where it had been revealed that it was "Watchmen's" Dr. Manhattan who was responsible for the reconstruction of the DC universe, hence the "Rebirth" tag.

The first issue of "Doomsday Clock" also sees the return of a once-dead character from "Watchmen." Rorschach, whose paranoid and investigative narration was set as the perspective of the original graphic novel, will be coming back as a villain. It can be recalled that Rorschach was vaporized and killed by Dr. Manhattan at the ending of "Watchmen," how he returned alive in "Doomsday Clock" remains to be seen in the first issue, which is out today, Nov. 22.