Marriage is the most important relationship in life, next to a relationship with God. Many, however, make the mistake of prioritising their spouses more than they prioritise God. This is just plain wrong.
We shouldn't treat our spouses like they're God. Husbands shouldn't treat their wives better than they do God. Wives shouldn't treat husbands that way, either. How do we know the difference?
How We Treat God Less Than Our Spouse
We could say that we love God more than we do our spouses. At times, however, our actions and words betray us, and we show signs that indeed our spouses have become our God. Here are just a few symptoms:
1. When Our Spouse's Opinion Matters More Than the Word of God
When our spouse's opinion matters more than the Word of God, there's a problem there. Think about it: God's Word says this, but your spouse says another. What will you choose to believe or honour?
2. When Our Spouse's Happiness Matters More Than Obeying God's Word
God's Word contains commands and instructions we should be obeying if we are indeed following Him. When we choose to disobey God's Word simply because our spouses aren't comfortable with it, we're actually loving them more than we love God!
Consider your obedience to the Lord and compare it to your obedience to your spouse. Which one is more?
3. When Our Spouse Takes Up All Our Time Including the Time We Should Be Spending with God
This one takes the cake. When your time with God is shortened or hurried because you need to spend more time with your spouse for some reason, be careful: Your spouse could already be an idol in your life. Don't compromise your relationship with God just to make your spouse happy. You'll regret it.
A Personal Encouragement
Friends, marriage should be helping us to grow in our relationship with God, and vice-versa. Don't worry about damaging your relationship with your spouse by growing in God: Having a flourishing relationship with God benefits our marriages, too!
God purposed that Eve would be Adam's helper in all that he would do, and that includes growing in God (see Genesis 2:21-24). Husbands are to grow in Christ-likeness. One way that God uses to make that happen is through marriage. Wives are to grow in Christ-likeness, and God uses marriage to make that happen, too.
I've seen this in my marriage. For example, my wife prays for me and encourages me to spend more good quality time with God. I do that to her, too. We both help each other grow in God. That's what spouses should be doing: exalting God above each other. (see Ephesians 5:21)