Donald Trump quoted Bible book of Matthew during National Prayer Breakfast speech: 'With God, all things are possible'

It's true that U.S. President Donald Trump has become known to use brash language to get his message across over recent years. However, he surprised many during his speech for the 66th National Prayer Breakfast last week. Speaking to over 3,500 guests, Trump quoted a verse from the book of Matthew and highlighted the values of Christianity and why it is important to stand up for religious freedom.

"Our rights are not given to us by man," Trump said. "Our rights come to us from our Creator. No matter what, no earthly force can take those rights away. That is why the words 'praise be to God' are etched atop the Washington Monument, and those same words are etched into the hearts of our people. So today, we praise God for how truly blessed we are to be American. Across our land, we see the splendor of God's creation. Throughout our history, we see the story of God's providence. In every city and town, we see the Lord's grace all around us through a million acts of kindness, courage and generosity. We love God."

Trump added that God's handiwork is all around us, and His power is evident in the courage of Americans to speak openly about their faith and the thriving of families who choose to live by their convictions.

With these things in mind, Trump encouraged Americans to live with hope for the future. It's true that the world is fraught with so many dangers and issues, but the president believes that everything is possible with God.

"Today, inspired by our fellow citizens, let us resolve to find the best within ourselves," Trump said. "Let us pray for that extra measure of strength and that extra measure of devotion. Let us seek to build a more just and peaceful world where every child can grow up without violence, worship without fear and reach their God-given potential. As long as we are true to America's founding and the example that all of us these great founders have set, we can all be heroes to everybody, and they can be heroes to us. As long as we open our eyes to God's grace and our hearts to God's love, then America will forever be the land of the free, the home of the brave and the light unto all nations."

Before he concluded his speech, Trump even paid tribute to Rep. Steve Scalise, who was shot by a gunman during a congressional baseball practice last year.

"To my friend and everybody's friend, Steve Scalise, we are so glad to have you with us today," Trump said. "Your presence reminds us of Jesus' words in the Book of Matthew: 'With God, all things are possible.'"

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