Donald Trump praises Tim Tebow as the 'living breathing example of 2 Corinthians'

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump has a huge collection of Tim Tebow paraphernalia, including the athlete's helmet, jerseys, and food products. Reuters

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump is a huge fan of former NFL star Tim Tebow. In fact, the business magnate thinks so highly of the Christian athlete and philanthropist that he says Tebow embodies "Two Corinthians" like no one else.

Tebow made the news recently for personally carrying 500 pounds of medical supplies across the Amazon to help a struggling orphanage, according to The Christian Post. That act of kindness did not go unnoticed by Trump, who quickly sang praises for Tebow.

"Let me tell you, I love Tim Tebow. Tebow is really a guy, I mean a really great guy. Ever been around him? I have. And you know what? He's great," said Trump.

"You know what makes Tim Tebow so amazing? Other than that he's met me, of course. What makes him amazing is that he is a living breathing example of Two Corinthians. He does Two Corinthians like no one else," he said.

After he made those comments, Trump was asked by a reporter which part of "Two Corinthians" Tebow best exemplifies. However, Trump refused to divulge which verse it was because it was too personal for him.

"Some lamestream media type thinks he's gonna trap me with a gotcha question about Two Corinthians? He [double hockey sticks] no. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain," tweeted Trump later that day.

Trump might have been talking about 2 Corinthians verse 10 in describing Tebow. The verse reads: "Now this is our boast: Our conscience testifies that we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially in our relations with you, with integrity. We have done so, relying not on worldly wisdom but on God's grace."

Earlier, Trump was actually accused of taking money from one of his charities just to purchase a Tebow-signed helmet. Aside from the helmet, Trump is reported to own several Tebow jerseys, a crate worth of Tebrew from Colorado, and even Tebowing pretzels from Philadelphia.

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