Donald Trump 'does not qualify to get into Jesus' kingdom,' says Rev. Jesse Jackson

The Rev. Jesse Jackson addressing the march (YouTube/C-Span)

Donald Trump is worried about who can enter the United States but civil rights campaigner the Rev. Jesse Jackson thinks he should be more worried about whether he can enter the Kingdom of Heaven.

He made the fiery comments at the 'Ministers March for Justice' organized by another veteran campaigner, the Rev. Al Sharpton. 

Under the RAISE (Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment) Act, potential immigrants will be judged on their English proficiency and work qualifications.

The event brought together numerous ministers who are against the Trump opposition and was held on the 54<sup>th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s March on Washington.

Rev. Jackson said: 'Trump says you must be able to speak the language of English, [be] qualified, and have a job skill,' he said. 'Jesus would not qualify to come in Trump's country—he would not qualify to get into Jesus' kingdom.'

He kept to the religious rhetoric when he quoted from the Gospel of Matthew and Jesus' teaching on Judgment in which He warns that those who feed and clothe 'the least of these' are feeding and clothing Christ Himself.

'I was hungry you fed me, naked you clothed me, captive and you set me free,' the campaigner said.

Rev. Sharpton said it was 'immoral to try and take health care from your mama because you don't like Obama.'

'It's immoral to try and give a tax cut to the rich while we need infrastructure and jobs,' he said.

Catch Rev. Jackson addressing the march in the video below: