U.S. President Donald Trump posted a Christmas greeting on the morning of Christmas day, and it was not received very well by the general public. Trump implied in his post that he was responsible for giving meaning once again to the phrase "Merry Christmas" -- a claim that left numerous netizens confused and put off. The Christmas greeting was part of a series of tweets wherein Trump recounted his contributions as the President.
On his Twitter account, Trump claimed that he had "led the charge against the assault" on the Christmas holiday. However, he failed to explain what the alleged assault is, and the tweet simply left people scratching their heads since they had no idea what he was talking about. The tweet opened the U.S. president up for mockery from netizens, who expressed their discontent with the Trump administration.
It appears that the president is patting himself on the back for his own personal achievements, and this is something that others might consider distasteful, since it is embedded in a Christmas greeting. However, it seems that Trump, who celebrated Christmas at his Florida Estate, Mar-a-Lago, sincerely respects the Christmas season, and it is safe to assume that it is very important to him.
Many note that Trump's approach to greeting Americans seemed very different from that of former president Barack Obama, who had always been constant and timely in his public greetings. They reminded that the phrase "Merry Christmas" has always been used every year. MSNBC even came up with a montage of clips containing all the times that the former president had said "Merry Christmas" as an attempt to mock Trump — especially after Trump claimed that Obama "never said Merry Christmas."
Last Sunday, Dec. 24, Trump released a photo of himself and First Lady Melania Trump participating in the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) tradition of tracking Santa Claus and calling children to update them on the whereabouts of Father Christmas.