Does it make a difference if Christians don't act in love?


In John 13:34, Jesus said, "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." Radically changing the way Christian living was done, Jesus gave us the ultimatum as His followers to act in love every single time we possibly can.

You may have encountered a church member, Christian colleague or believer family member who was everything but loving toward others. Maybe he or she can be legalistic, judgmental or plainly prideful, and it hurts people's perspective of what a Christian should really be.

Modern-day pharisees are what these people are called, and they actually firmly believe that they are living the way God asks them to. Should it really matter that these so-called "Christians" do not live a life that exhibits Christ's compassion for others? Or should something be done about this far-from-Christ-like attitude?

To set the record straight, it does make all the difference if Christians in the community, local church or universal church do not act in love. Yes, we must act in truth as well, but never in hateful and condescending judgment.

And yes, something must be done about it, but sadly so many Christ followers who spot this error in others act in a flawed way, too. Often, more "loving" Christians will look at these judgmental Christians and speak hate and disdain against them, too. So much for love, don't you think?

The truth remains that every single individual needs to receive the love of Christ -- both directly and through other believers. Guess what, judgmental, pharisee-like and hateful Christians need to experience God's love too, and who better to love them than fellow Christians?

When was the last time that you prayed for, encouraged, blessed and edified a brother or sister who acted in a legalistic and unloving way? God's Word remains the same for them. 1 John 4:20 says, "If anyone says, 'I love God,' and hates his brother, he is a liar; for he who does not love his brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen."

It's true that when unloving Christians act out of pride and judgment, they lie to themselves, but "loving" Christians who make fun of and name-call legalistic Christians act in no more truth than that.

Beyond anything, I hope that the love of Christ would call every Christ follower to act in the fruit of God's Spirit, which is love, and love every single person they come to contact with -- the sinner, the tax collector, and even the pharisee.