Does God really forsake people?


Have you ever felt like your prayers don't reach God or that God is too far away for you to commune with Him? We all have at some point.

We are told that God and sin cannot co-exist. As a result, many believers feel that God abandons them when they sin. Does God truly leave us when we sin and do we have to earn back the Holy Spirit's in-filling every time we repent?

The Bible makes it clear to us that although we may sometimes feel like God is far or that we no longer deserve God's presence, our Father is with us. Psalm 94:14 says "For the LORD will not reject his people; he will never forsake his inheritance."

Although it's true that God and sin cannot co-exist, that's the beauty and the power of the cross. When Jesus gave up His life for all, He gave us direct access to the Father and the power is made available through the Holy Spirit.

So how about non-Christians? Does God forsake them? By all means, no! In fact, God pursues everyone, most especially the lost. He is always finding ways to make himself known to those whom He loves. Matthew 5:45 says that God "sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous."

And when we refuse Christ's saving knowledge, God is there grieving. God doesn't give up on people. People give up on God.

God in his ferocious love continues to pursue us and give His all to us. People often ask why the unbelieving still become rich and why criminals still continue to breathe life. There can be many reasons for those situations, but one of the most compelling explanations is because God loves them.

God's love is not swayed by our unbelief nor our inability to be holy. While we were (and still are) sinners, Christ gave Himself up for us because He has chosen to never leave nor forsake us. Although sin is powerful and can disqualify us from entering God's presence, He found a way for us to commune with Him despite our flaws because nothing can separate us from the love of God.

Does God hate sin? Yes, He does. Is He just? Yes, He is. But Jesus has paid the price in full so that we may have access to God at anytime and so that we would never be separated from the presence of God ever again.