The developers of "Dissidia Final Fantasy NT" have recently released some screenshots of the upcoming game. The screenshots in particular reveal a bit of the cast and the story of the game.
Based on the screenshots that have been released, there are four playable characters that will be included in the game. Onion Knight and Cloud of Darkness from "Final Fantasy III," and Cloud and Sephiroth from "Final Fantasy VII." There is also Materia and Spiritus, the two opposing gods that go head-to-head with each other to determine who gets control of the multiverse. These two gods are also the ones who summon the heroes from the numerous "Final Fantasy" games to fight it out with each other in their place.
They live in towers that float over the landscape. At the start of the game, some of these protagonists that are brought in are seasoned fighters compared to Noctis and Y'shtola, who are first timers. The veteran fighters are naturally less surprised and puzzled, compared to the two.
Apart from the screenshots, Square Enix has also released an overview trailer for "Dissidia Final Fantasy NT" which gives an introduction to the basics of the game. The trailer features the game's bravery combat system, along with the "Final Fantasy" summon beasts, character classes, as well as unique abilities for players to use in battle.
There is also a "Class Flow" chart for players who are looking for a character that fits their style of playing. There is the Vanguard, the Assassin, the Marksman, and the Specialist.
The Vanguard is described to always be in the front lines, with the Bravery Attacks dealing the most damage. The Vanguards can take punches, mostly because they are a tad slow to dodge these hits. The Assassin is described as agile but fragile, and while they do not inflict as much damage, opponents will find them hard to hit. The Marksman is described as someone who can deal a lot of damage from afar, but have weak endurance as well as close-combat skills. Lastly, the Specialist is described to be adaptable as well as unpredictable, and as the name implies, an expert in one thing.
"Dissidia Final Fantasy NT" will launch exclusively on PlayStation 4 on Jan. 11, 2018 for Japan and Jan. 30, 2018 for North America and Europe.