The tension between North Korea and the United States of America continues to escalate with no signs of slowing down. U.S. Security Advisor and former ambassador stated force is the only way to stop the threats of the rogue nation.
North Korea's Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un utilized his New Year speech for another set of threats against the United States. Kim addressed his people on Monday about his plans for 2018 involving their military deployment, North Korea's involvement in the Winter Games, possible peace talks with South Korea, and the country's missile program capable of reaching the U.S.
"The whole territory of the U.S. is within the range of our nuclear strike and a nuclear button is always on the desk of my office and this is just a reality, not a threat," he said.
When asked about his take on Kim's speech, United States President Donald Trump simply replied with, "We'll see, we'll see." POTUS is yet to release his full statement about Kim's remarks.
Former U.S. ambassador and current security Advisor John Bolton stated that the primary option to retaliate against North Korea's threat is force. During an interview with Fox News, Bolton stressed that the U.S. and China should work together to neutralize the North Korea and its nuclear program.
"I don't think North Korea will ever voluntarily give up their nuclear programme. Enormous pressure through sanctions has not slowed down the regime at all," he said. The advisor then added, "There is one diplomatic play left here. You cannot coerce China into this, but you can persuade them that their national interest requires getting rid of the regime."
A conflict is also brewing between the U.S. and China, with Trump accusing the country of illegally selling oil to North Korea. Trump tweeted, "Caught RED HANDED -- very disappointed that China is allowing oil to go into North Korea. There will never be a friendly solution to the North Korea problem is this continues to happen." China quickly denied Trump's allegations.
There are also several reports indicating a possible alliance between North Korea, China, and Russia.