Disney and its not so family-friendly agenda

 (Photo: Unsplash)

The latest battleground in the parental rights movement is Disney's overt attempt to encourage the LGBTQ lifestyle through its programming and theme park policies. Executive Producer Latoya Raveneau declares she will add "queerness" to children's programming as much as possible because "no one was trying to stop me."

As a parent of gender dysphoric children, Karey Burke also vowed to increase LGBT representation in Disney programming. Staffers complain that they are no longer to address the children as "boys and girls," and bathroom signs denoting gender have been replaced with stick figures. CEO Chapek vows to increase its funding of LGBT advocacy substantially.

The battle to uphold Biblical truths can be the most difficult when fought at home. As I have written previously, my daughter suffers from clinical depression and, during the COVID lockdowns, was struck with rapid onset gender dysphoria. Though she attended a prestigious Christian school, social isolation, indoctrination by social media, and a poor choice of friends convinced her she was born the "wrong gender." During a very quarrelsome meeting to discuss her sudden condition, the therapist wanted me to accept "her truth," but I refused. I explained to both of them that I knew God wanted a better life for her and that living a life of sin would never bring healing and restoration.

My daughter cried throughout the whole meeting, but she knew she could never change my mind. Since that time, I have gently and repeatedly explained that being a woman did not mean she could not have what society says are "male" qualities. She was God's daughter – strong, outspoken, resilient, and beautiful – just as He intended. I affirmed my unconditional love for her and my duty as a parent to proclaim these eternal principles – regardless of whether society said they were outdated or backward. We had many painful nights, filled with tears and feelings of hopelessness for both of us. Slowly, I saw her childhood joy return. I cannot guarantee it will last forever, but she no longer claims to be the "wrong gender" and steadily appreciates how God has made her. I share this heart-wrenching struggle because I experienced the blessings of standing on God's word. I would never give up on my daughter, and we cannot give up on this country. She is just one of the thousands of kids being torn apart by the demonic forces at work in their lives.

Though much of Disney's LGBTQ advocacy has come to light with their public opposition to the Florida parental rights bill, Disney's transformation has been going on for a long time. For years, Christian parents have been navigating the corrupt and collapsed culture of a one-time family-friendly brand. The movies consistently elevate central female characters who dare to reject tradition and exert their independence from conventional society. The programming blatantly rejects a Christian worldview of the family and God's view of human sexuality.

Fortunately, the parental rights movement sweeping the country refuses to stay silent about it any longer. CP contributor Jerry Bower said it best, "outrage is not enough. It's time for Christians to stop merely talking about Disney...and start talking to them." There are several ways we do that.

One of the most impactful ways is withdrawing our financial support for the Disney brand. That includes canceling Disney+ subscriptions, annual theme park passes, and divesting from Disney stock. We also need to publicly express our disapproval with rallies, protests, and social media campaigns. Several Southern California churches and worship leaders are leading the charge. Pastor Rob McCoy teamed up with prominent Christian activist Sean Feucht calling on the church to be bold and outspoken in defense of our children. The first rally was outside of Disney headquarters in Burbank, and this week it will take place at the theme park in Anaheim, Calif. Christian social media influencers have also taken to Instagram and Facebook to encourage the public disappointment with Disney's stance.

Absent a sudden worldwide revival, we may never turn back the tide of an increasingly debased culture. However, we defend Biblical values because that is what we are called to do as Christians, regardless of the personal consequences. Even the threat of death could not deter Peter and John from preaching what they knew. "Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him? We cannot stop telling about everything we have seen and heard" (Acts 4:19-20). We also appreciate suffering because "suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character" (Romans 5:3-4). Being a Christian today takes courage because everyone seems to be moving in the opposite direction.

So the next time you pass your child on the couch watching a Disney show about same-sex parents and homosexual teenage romance, remember those messages will be imprinted in their minds and later reinforced by their peers. We must do everything in our power to challenge their narrative because every child matters. The longer we stay silent, the worse it will get.

Hedieh Mirahmadi was a devout Muslim for two decades working in the field of national security before she experienced the redemptive power of Jesus Christ and has a new passion for sharing the Gospel. She dedicates herself full-time to Resurrect Ministry, an online resource that harnesses the power of the Internet to make salvation through Christ available to people of all nations, and her daily podcast LivingFearlessDevotional.com.

This article first appeared in The Christian Post and is printed here with permission.