'Dishonored 2' release date news, updates: Title release imminent; Bethesda working to resolve PC issues

Promotional photo for "Dishonored 2" Facebook/DishonoredII

"Dishonored 2" was released this month on multiple game consoles. Meanwhile, there have been some issues with the PC version of the game that Bethesda is currently reviewing.

"Dishonored 2" was recently released on Friday, Nov. 11, and the game was made available on Windows PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. It is a stealth-action game sequel to "Dishonored," which was released in 2012.

"Dishonored 2" was developed by Arkane Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks and is set in the fictional Empire of the Isles that is located in the city of Karnaca. The player is tasked with reclaiming the throne after an invasion has happened, and gamers can choose to play as Emily or her bodyguard and father Corvo Attano.

Since its recent release, there have been some performance issues on the PC reported by gamers on Reddit, who first got hold of the game 24 hours pre-launch. Based on the gamers' posts, "Dishonored 2" has issues with its frame rate even when the PC is running on higher end hardware specs that were recommended for the game. The performance level setting also changed constantly to low, and there was a lag "every two seconds."

It was suggested that the "Dishonored 2" performance issues on the PC were caused by the TXAA anti-aliasing technology. This was because a gamer was reportedly playing on an NVIDIA GTX 1080 graphics card that was supposed to run the game smoothly, but had experienced lags when the TXAA was enabled.

Polygon reports that Arkane Studios are already investigating the major performance issues experienced by gamers on the PC version.

Harvey Smith — the co-creative director of Arkane Studios — had also responded to a gamer on Twitter. Smith replied, "We're aware some PC players are having problems. We're investigating. Send details to ‪@bethesdasupport."

In the meantime, Bethesda Softworks has suggested a list of updated tools and tweaks that can help improve the performance issues of "Dishonored 2" on PC. However, gamers are not expecting that a patch will be released to permanently fix the game's issues.

"Dishonored 2" was made available on Nov. 11 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and Windows PC.