Christian Aid has vowed to keep pressing the EU for tougher action on climate change after MEPs voted down a proposal to increase carbon emission cuts.
The plan would have seen the level of emission cuts increase from 20 per cent to 30 per cent by 2020.
The MEPs rejected the proposal despite intense lobbying by activists, including nearly 3,000 Christian Aid supporters, some of whom had taken part in street protests outside MEPs' offices.
Those rejecting the proposal included a group of Conservative MEPs who defied the British Government on the vote.
Paul Brannen, Christian Aid’s Head of Advocacy and Influence, said: "We knew the vote in Strasbourg would be close but we are particularly disappointed that British MEPs voted against their own government on the issue.
"There are overwhelming scientific, political and moral reasons for increasing the curbs on greenhouse gases.
"The vote is bad news for people living in poverty around the world, who at present bear the brunt of climate change."
The vote is non-binding, however, and Christian Aid said it would be pushing the EU to play a leadership role in the international climate negotiations in Durban at the end of the year.
The aid agency argues that cuts of 30 per cent must be introduced by European countries "as an absolute minimum" if the climate crisis is to be addressed.
"Campaigners will now redouble their efforts to show ministers the necessity of moving to that figure," said Mr Brannen.
Christian Aid, Greenpeace, Oxfam, WWF and Green Alliance have written jointly to Prime Minister David Cameron urging him to bring the Conservative MEPs into line with the Government’s support for the proposal.
Mr Brannen added: "On an issue as urgent as climate change, MEPs should adhere to policies agreed to by the elected government of Great Britain and not seek to undermine them. David Cameron must now work to ensure such a rebellion doesn’t happen again."