Diana would have married Dodi, says priest who talked to her before fatal crash

A priest close to Princess Diana has said she asked him whether two people of different religions could marry shortly before she died. The priest is convinced that Diana would have gone on to marry Muslim boyfriend Dodi Fayed.

Portraits of Princess Diana and Dodi al-Fayed are seen in the window of the Harrods department store in London. Princess Diana and her lover Dodi al-Fayed were unlawfully killed by the grossly negligent driving of their chauffeur and paparazzi photographers pursuing them into a Paris road tunnel 10 years ago, an inquest ruled on April 7, 2008. Reuters

Father Frank Gelli was an Anglican priest who was close to Princess Diana before the tragic Paris car crash that claimed her life on August 31, 1997. He told the Sunday Express: 'She wanted to know if it was possible for two people of different religions to marry. I told her it was.'

Gelli said: 'As we spoke her telephone rang. It was obviously Dodi. Her eyes lit up. As she was leaving she asked me if I would be able to perform the service when she got married. Her love was obvious.'

Gelli was the curate at St Mary Abbots church in Kensington, West London, near the Princess' former home at Kensington Palace. He said that Diana had sometimes visited his church and quietly prayed at the back to avoid attention.

The princess was due to meet with Gelli after her Mediterranean cruise on Mohammed Fayed's yacht. During the cruise Diana had called the priest to tell him she had good news and would meet with him at Kensington Palace. However, the fatal Paris crash took place just days later, killing both Diana and Dodi.

'I feel sure that if Diana and Dodi had not been killed, they would have married,' Gelli said. He said that Diana was happy, in love with Fayed and excited for their future.