For "Destiny" players, the weekends could give them the chance to update their exotic items when the travelling merchant Xur drops by the Tower to sell his in-demand merchandises.
Starting Friday, 9 a.m. UK, 1 a.m. PST and 4 a.m. EST until Sunday, 9 a.m. UK, 1 a.m. PST and 4 a.m. EST, players just need to spot the Agent of the Nine within the Tower.
During the January 1-3 weekend, Xur spent time at the center of the Tower where the Vanguard vendors are located nearby. He brought with him several interesting items during the New Year's weekend sales, including the Empyrean Bellicose helmet that came with complete Super and Orbs recharge melee, the Sealed Ahamkara Grasps gauntlets that offered an increased melee attack speed and reload speed with Fusion Rifles, and the Starfire Protocol chest armor that lessened the incoming Void Burn damage.
Last week's exotic stash brought by Xur in the Tower also included a shotgun called the Invective, which can regenerate ammo over time. It also offered the Legacy Engram helmet, as well as several curios like the Three of Coins and Glass Needles.
For the Jan. 8-10 weekend, YouTuber Wizzite predicted that the Agent of the Nine will bring several exotic items like the Immolation Fists gauntlet, the Crest of Alpha Lupi chest armor, the Alchemist Raiment exotic warlock chest armor from "The Taken King," as well as another helmet engram.
Other players commented on the YouTube post that they want to see the Twilight garrison for the Titan ant the Ats/8 Tarantella for the Hunter in this weekend's exotic merchandise stash. Other suggestions include the Knuckle head radar, the Heart of Praxic Fire, Peregrine Greaves, as well as the Dragon's Breath.
Since Bungie has yet to announce where Xur will hang out in the Tower this week, "Destiny" players just need to collect as many Strange Coins and Motes of Light as they can until the Agent of the Nine drops by.