'Destiny 2' release date, news: Sequel taking a page from 'World of Warcraft's' book?

A screenshot from the video game "Destiny" Bungie

"Destiny 2" will be extremely different from the first iteration, not just in the form of brand new characters and story, but also in the gameplay department.

This is what game insider Shinobi1602 revealed in a lengthy post on NeoGAF, where he explained the big changes and the reason for these changes, albeit unconfirmed.

"Destiny 2 is being overhauled so that they can build upon it in the future without having to work within the frame work limitations that [Destiny 1"] setup," the tipster wrote.

"Right now, the way things play out, they have to introduce playspaces so that players can engage in systems or activities, but it creates a huge barrier that must be overcome on both the networking [and] design side so, they're going to do more open playspaces that incorporate towns, outposts, etc into more common areas," he went on to say.

It would appear that the changes will make for a more eventful say in the activity hub come "Destiny 2," but still retaining that control of the character.

Bungie's changes will pave the way for "Destiny 2" to have fewer hard lines gated by menus, as well as more control of the character while still allowing players to make activity decisions.

Shinobi1602 compared the game to "World of Warcraft" in terms of this change. "Destiny 2," like the massively multiplayer online role-playing game, will allow players to queue into activities while still playing the character.

With regards to the content of "Destiny 2," Bungie is expected to basically start from a clean slate, with new characters and plot.

The game will essentially be a reboot with Luke Smith, whose work on the acclaimed "The Taken King" expansion for "Destiny" gives fans confidence of what he will do in the sequel.

As for the release date of "Destiny 2," the development is well underway for a 2017 release. The game is also rumored to be released for the PC for the first time.