Excited players may have already bought their own copy of Bungie's "Destiny 2" for the Windows PC. The expectant and proud owners of the game will be able to download the game ahead of time, and satiate their adventure-seeking needs before the rest of the PC owners. Fortunately, there are already guides that can help players have access to the game in the fastest way possible.
In a report by Gamespot, players can already start pre-loading "Destiny 2," which has been possible since Oct. 18. The first-person shooter video game will be made available through the platform of Blizzard.net and not on Steam, which is the usual trend when it comes to PC titles. However, it is a given that players will only have access to the game upon its full launch.
Pre-loading the game ensures that there will be no further waiting time when the servers go live. According to WCCF Tech, the content for the PC version of "Destiny 2" is quite similar to that of console versions. This time around, however, players will be able to get themselves into the fight much more quickly compared to the game's predecessor.
Players have chosen the PC over consoles due to its raw processing power – provided that people could afford their own high-powered rigs, of course. In fact, according to PC Gamer, tech brand Nvidia has already come up with a video card that is optimized specifically for more modern games, such as "Destiny 2" and the upcoming "Assassin's Creed: Origins." These games will be requiring slightly more power compared to older titles.
The game will allow players easy access to 4K resolution, which is the highest visual quality currently available in the market. In a report by Game Rant, players will need about 68 GB of free space to install the game properly. Players should make sure that they have the free space before attempting to pre-load their game to make sure that they do not encounter any problems during installation.
"Destiny 2" will be going live on Oct. 24, at 1 p.m. EDT for the PC.