Players of the online multiplayer shooting video game "Destiny 2" are in for a treat this weekend. The developer of the game, Bungie, brought back the famous merchant Xur in the game. Players can now visit the merchant and purchase a new weapon and armors.
Xur can be found on the planet IO in the Giant's Scar area. Proceed to the fast travel point of the map and continue to the north. Xur is found inside a cave as a marked vendor. Many gamers are waiting for Xur to go live because of the Merciless rifle. This weapon can be purchased from Xur for 29 legendary shards. The Merciless is a fusion rifle that packs 270 Power during this weekend. The weapon is ideal for PvP combat and boss raids.
Other than the Merciless, Xur also sells the Lucky Pants Leg Armour, Mask of the Quiet One Exotic Helmet Armour, and Starfire Protocol Chest armour for Warlock. Xur's availability will expire on Nov. 28 or Tuesday next week. The Merciless and the armors will disappear with him. No information from Bungie if Xur will resurface in the near future.
"Destiny 2" gamers are also looking forward for the first expansion pack of the game. The "Curse of Osiris" expansion will be released on Dec. 5. The expansion pack includes new set of armors, themed weapons, and gears. The Inifinite Forest in the planet Mercury is also included in the update. Players can also engage in new missions and cooperative activities. Players can pre-order the expansion through the official website of the game for $19.99.
The Expansion II will be released in spring 2018. There are no trailers and information about the second expansion.
"Destiny 2" remains one of the most popular online-only shooting video games. The game received a 83 percent score rating from Metacritic and 85 percent from PC Gamer.