'Destiny 2' news: Bungie to introduce major updates to make its gamers happy

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Video game developer Bungie promises new major updates for the multiplayer online video game "Destiny 2." Non-DLC owners were also happy with the new hotfix that allows them to engage in the Iron Banner event and choose factions during a Faction Rally.

Bungie's game director Christopher Barrett tweeted, "Working on a development update for everyone next week, lots of good info to share." Many people then urged the company to do something with the Eververse Microtransactions. The Eververse generated a lot of backlash from gamers and resulted to "Destiny 2" being compared to "Star Wars Battlefront II."

Barrett is yet to release further information about the update or updates he mentioned in his comment on Twitter. He posted a new tweet saying, "For fascinating insight on Raid Mechanics and hot takes on Wookies follow @joegorth." Joe Goroth is the team leader of the Destiny Raid content of "Destiny 2."

Bungie also welcomed 2018 with a new patch. A hotfix was released on Jan.3 that re-opens the Iron Banner and Faction Rally for gamers who do not have the "Curse of Osiris" DLC.

The Destiny development team released a short press release about the hotfix on the same day of the patch release. Non-DLC owners can now again dive into the game's Iron Banner and Faction Rally Content. Bungie wrote, "Players who do not own Curse of Osiris may once again access Iron Banner when available. Players who do not own Curse of Osiris may once again pledge to Factions during Faction Rally Events."

Non-DLC gamers can now have the option of joining Dead Orbit, Future War Cult, or New Monarchy with Faction Rally event in motion. The decision by Bungie was well received by a number of gamers and are looking forward to updates about Iron Banner and Faction Rally events.

Other than the patch, Bungie opened 2018 for "Destiny 2" players with the return of the mysterious merchant Xur for a limited time only.