'Destiny 2' holiday event 2017 features: Snowball fights, mayhem, and new gear

The Dawning will return on Destiny 2 this Dec. 19. Bungie

To get in with the spirit of the holidays, Bungie has announced that they will be bringing back "The Dawning," the exclusive-Christmas event for "Destiny 2." In a recent blog post, the developer detailed the various activities found in the limited-time event.

Guardians will see festive decorations in the social spaces, and players can even engage in an old-school snowball fight in the Tower and at the Farm. Bungie has even added the snowball fight to Strikes, where players can deal great damage to enemies by stunning them with a thrown snowball.

Players who engage in the Mayhem Crucible and Strikes will get some respective rewards, according to Bungie. "Engage in Crucible Mayhem or become a legend in Strikes and you'll be rewarded. Every week, complete a milestone for a Dawning engram," read the Milestones of Winter.

"Get in the giving mood with new consumables that give rewards to everyone you're playing with. If there's a specific Dawning item that you have your heart set on, Tess will refresh her inventory each week, enabling you to use your Bright Dust reserves for your holiday shopping."

The Mayhem Crucible mode may be foreign to those who haven't played the original "Destiny." Basically, Bungie meant Mayhem to be quite literal— total chaos is usually associated with it since abilities will be recharged almost instantly and point values are boosted for quick matches. It's a treat especially to those who think the ability recharge is super slow. Expect electro-stomps and void arrows will be everywhere.

Of course, Christmas is known as the season of giving, so Bungie has made some little quirks in the holiday event. During The Dawning, players can make unique gifts to agents as well as vendors in the Tower and other places. If players give a gift, they will also be given a gift in return. To participate, players must pick up a Dawning Gift Schematic from the Bazaar. From there, they can travel to other worlds and seek out anyone they would like to share a present with.

The Dawning will start on Dec. 19 and ends on Tuesday, Jan. 9 next year.