Jessa Seewald expecting baby number 2, but she and Ben still have plans to adopt

Ben and Jessa Seewald are welcoming another baby (or babies perhaps) into their family of three in 2017. (Seewald Family Blog)

Although "Counting On" star Jessa Seewald is currently pregnant with her second child, she and her husband Ben are not giving up on their plans to welcome an adopted child into their home.

"As we are praying towards a future adoption, it's great to have other families around that have walked this road and can give us good advice. At this point, we're planning for a domestic adoption, but I don't think we really have a preference either way for a boy or girl," Jessa said in a recent episode of "Counting On."

"I would like to remain flexible, too," her husband added.

Ben and Jessa, the parents of nine-month-old son Spurgeon Elliot, revealed that they had already talked to a local adoption agency. They were instructed to come back within nine months. Jessa said they want to be prepared for all the demands and challenges that an adoption may entail.

Meanwhile, Jessa's elder sister Jill Dillard earlier bared plans for her and Jessa to get pregnant at the same time. But since Jessa is already ahead, Jill said she and her husband Derick are just happily anticipating when it would be the right time for them to have their second child.

"We'd love to have another baby," she told Us Magazine. "And are excitedly waiting to see when God might bless us with another one!"

However, Jill said another Duggar sister might even get pregnant ahead of them. "Derick's bet is on Jinger!" Jill said "We will just have to wait and see!"

The Dillards have given Jinger and Jeremy Vuolo's relationship their seal of approval, saying they seem to be a perfect match. "Jinger and Jeremy balance each other out very nicely," Jill said. "Jeremy seems to be steady, strong and a true leader, whereas Jinger loves someone else leading and is tenderhearted and more of a softy."

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