When everyone first saw Negasonic Teenage Warhead (Brianna Hildebrand) in "Deadpool," she was a mutant under Colossus' (Stefan Kapicic) wing. Come "Deadpool 2," fans are going to see that she is no longer a trainee.
Speaking to The Hollywood Reporter, Kapicic shared that she is no longer his trainee, and that she is progressing, as everyone has seen from the teaser trailer. The actor went on to say that the character has definitely reached the new level of X-Men. Based from the first look of Hildebrand's character, even her hairstyle has changed.
"She definitely has reached a new level of X-Men as you can see. Even the haircut, all of the characters, the good thing is that we have upgraded on so many levels," explained Kapicic.
While Kapicic does not say that Negasonic Teenage Warhead has become an X-Men member just yet, at least fans now know that she has broken free from her training. As the actor also mentioned, she even has a new haircut. The recently released first trailer of "Deadpool 2" gave everyone a first look at Negasonic Teenage Warhead's new look. She had a buzzcut in the first film, and now she has a more punk rock look to her. Plus, it is also worth noting that she has the iconic X-Men symbol on her costume.
Moving onto more X-Men as well as the "Deadpool 2" trailer, it is known that "Hunt for the Wilderpeople" star Julian Dennison is part of the cast. However, the character he will be portraying remains unknown, leading people to speculate which established or obscure X-Men Dennison will be portraying in the upcoming movie. Speculation is that Dennison may be portraying Neal Shaara a.k.a. Thunderbird the third.
For those who are not familiar, Neal Shaara is the third person to take on the popular mutant moniker following James Proudstar, who was later on known as Warpath, after having taken his brother John's mutant name after his death in the comics. Unlike the previous Thunderbirds, Neil possesses a very different power set. Neal is a powerful pyrokinetic, whom unlike those with the same abilities, does not get engulfed in flames and his face is also shown as he exhibits his abilities.
Then again, apart from Neal Shaara, Dennison could also be portraying other pyrokinetics, like Pyro for one as seen from "X2" or Rusty Collins a.k.a. Firefist.
"Deadpool 2" will premiere on June 1, 2018.