DC Comics event news updates: To mix entertainment with political issues

A promotional poster for the upcoming DC television show by The CW, "Black Lightning" Facebook/CWBlackLightning

It has been recently announced that DC will be holding an event for all its entertainment fronts, for television, comic books, and movies. The title of the event is, which will be held by Warner Bros. is "DC in D.C.," wherein it will be making some highly anticipated announcements for its fans and followers some time in January. The event is set to coincide with the weekend of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.

According to reports, the main focus of the hype of the upcoming "DC in D.C." event will be the announcement of the upcoming The CW television show, "Black Lightning," as well as a screening of the animated movie "Batman: Gotham by Gaslight." The two projects have generated a lot of hype, and will most likely be drawing in a lot of people for those reasons alone. However, the focus of DC is not only to promote its upcoming releases. 

"DC in D.C." will be injecting some political intentions as well,  and the event is described to be a "pop culture event that brings together the worlds of entertainment and public service to illuminate the story of America and current issues through the lens of comics and super heroes." This explains why DC specifically chose such a historical day to hold the event -- at the Newseum, which is an interactive museum that promotes free speech.

Historically, "Black Lightning" is DC's first African American superhero, which gives more meaning to the event and the holiday. Reports state that DC will be facilitating a discussion on today's relevant topics, such as the LGBTQ community, racism, as well as post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The discussion will follow the screening of "Batman: Gotham by Gaslight."

"DC in D.C." is scheduled to take place on Jan. 12 through 13 next year.