Darlene Zschech reveals how she was 'protected' by God when she was facing breast cancer

'Whatever situation you find yourself in, know this: God is present,' says worship leader Darlene Zschech. (Facebook/Darlene Zschech)

People all go through difficulties and uncertainties in life. During these moments, Christian worship leader Darlene Zschech stresses that it's important to look up to God.

When she was first diagnosed with breast cancer on December 11, 2013, that's exactly what Zschech did - rely on God. It is for this reason that Zschech felt "protected" and fuelled by faith amidst all of her pain.

"Breast cancer was a new level of deep suffering. My theology was put through a sieve, and I had to lean into every Scripture I knew to be true about God's providence, and that it was not His desire that I or my family should suffer. To see His kids in pain hurts Him too," she writes in an article for Charisma News. "To fully trust God during times of immense pain is one of the great gifts of a trial. You find the beautiful Holy Spirit is there, no matter how broken you are or how disappointed you are or how hopeless you feel."

Zschech is fortunate that she was able to beat cancer, but she says that her heart still aches for people all over the world who are facing persecution, sickness, and poverty. She hopes that all of them will look to the Redeemer "to guide them and instill in them an assurance of being loved" just like she did.

The bestselling author of "Worship Changes Everything: Experiencing God's Presence in Every Moment of Life" adds that there are bad people in this world who are going to do everything to tear Christians' worth and potential, and would love nothing more than to see God's children live in fear, intimidation, and oppression.

"That's why it is critical to remember the finished work of the cross when evil tries to press in on every side," she explains. Whatever situation you find yourself in, know this: God is present. Worship Him—recognising and acknowledging His greatness—even in moments of great pain, and you will discover His grace and power is sufficient."

The Bible verses found in 2 Corinthians 12:8-9 assures people of this. It reads: "Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, 'My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.'"

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