Fighting the 'Hand of God'? Dangerous End-Time mindset should be resisted, says Dr. Michael Brown

Dr. Michael Brown says the ‘idea that we are fighting against the inevitable collapse of society in our day—even fighting against God’—ought to be resisted and rejected. (Facebook/Michael L. Brown)

The End Times are upon us and we cannot do anything more about it except to wait for the return of Jesus Christ.

This is the "paralyzing, destructive mentality" spreading in the world today that needs to be corrected, according to conservative author Christian Dr. Michael L. Brown, the host of the syndicated radio show, "The Line of Fire," which airs throughout the United States.

Writing for Charisma News, Brown notes the claim being made by some Christians: "Jesus told us everything will get worse, so why bother trying to bring about change?"

The author says this mindset is "unbiblical" and should not be given much worth. "Can you imagine what church history would like if Paul and Peter felt that way in the first century?" Brown asks.

"Why fight against infanticide in the early church? Jesus said things will only get worse.

"Why fight against slavery in Great Britain and America? Jesus said things will only get worse.

"Why fight against apartheid in South Africa? Jesus said things will only get worse.

"Why even oppose the Nazis? Jesus said things will only get worse."

This mindset came up again recently after Brown posted a video message in his YouTube Channel challenging the Charlotte City Council to vote against the so-called "bathroom bill," which would allow transgenders to use bathrooms of their choice.

Someone posted this on Brown's YouTube channel, criticising his stand and saying that he can't possibly win because he is "fighting the Hand of God."

Brown dismisses the comment as "absolute rubbish."

He says the "idea that we are fighting against the inevitable collapse of society in our day—even fighting against God"—ought to be resisted and rejected.

"The fact is that a truly biblical mentality is a victorious, faith-filled, overcoming mentality, a mentality of hope and triumph and expectation," Brown says.

He says the correct "biblical mentality" is best expressed by the apostle John, who said "the darkness is passing away, and the true light is already shining" (1 John 2:8).

This is also expressed in the words of the apostle Paul: "The night is far spent, the day is at hand. Therefore let us take off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light" (Rom. 13:12).

Brown says this is the correct mindset that Christians must have "regardless of how dire things look and regardless of cost or consequence."

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