Care for the Family will open an event for dads in the south east, telling them that they need to laugh with their kids more often.
The charity's A Rough Guide for Dads' Richard Hardy believes that having fun with your kids is one of the most important things you can do as a dad.
"Every father finds it difficult to juggle life's priorities and things seem to be getting tougher," explains Richard, a father of two. "So we need to take the time out to enjoy life with our kids - be a bit daft, make them laugh and teach them the important things in life."
Care for the Family asked a number of fathers to suggest ways that dads can have fun with their kids. Suggestions included: "Play games with them"; "read stories together and do the voices".
More 'vox pops' like this are played to dads attending A Rough Guide for Dads. "They're hilarious," explains Richard, "and they get you thinking, 'what can I do with my kids to make them laugh?'"
The main aim of A Rough Guide for Dads is to encourage fathers to give 'being a dad' their best shot. The evening will include practical ideas of how to connect with their kids and build the best relationship possible.
The basis of the nights will be formed by Richard's experience as a father, as he shares practical advice - including the times when he has gotten things wrong.
A Rough Guide for Dads will take place in Bromley on March 20, Woodford Green on March 21, and Crawley on March 22.