'Creflo Dollar Highway': Prosperity preacher might get Atlanta road named after him

US prosperity preacher Creflo Dollar, who won notoriety after asking his followers for $65 million for a new top-of-the-range private jet, might get a major Atlanta road named after him.

Creflo Dollar might have a portion of highway named after him in Georgia Creflo Dollar Ministries

Georgia State Senator Donzella James has proposed that Dollar be honoured with a portion of the Old National Highway in South Fulton County being renamed as "Creflo Dollar Highway".

"Reverend Creflo Dollar has demonstrated his commitment to teaching the Gospel, witnessing Christ through word and deed, and addressing the physical, psychological, intellectual, and spiritual needs of others," James' resolution says.

"Recognized for his cutting-edge revelation and humorous, pragmatic approach, Reverend Dollar enables thousands to experience grace, restoration, and healing as a result of applying simple biblical principles to their lives."

Dollar's World Changers Church International is located within Senator James' district, and has purpotedly brought economic progress in an area which has struggled with high crime rates.

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James told WBSTV that Dollar does not deserve the poor reputation he has among much of the Christian community. Dollar has been widely criticised for his prosperity message, and has been accused of repeatedly refusing to open up about his own finances.

He once tweeted: "Jesus bled and died for us so that we can lay claim to the promise of financial prosperity. #ProsperityInChrist #WealthyLiving #AbundantLife". 

Though the tweet was later deleted, the same statement is made on the Creflo Dollar Ministries website as part of a longer justification for his theological position. 

James said that Dollar's church "is a church that's doing things in the community to make things better."

"I would love to see a Creflo Dollar Highway," she added.

The suggested renaming of the highway has not been met with unanimous support, and has been challenged by Congressman John Lewis and Civil Rights advocate C.T. Vivian, who is a minister and was a close friend of Martin Luther King Jr during the American civil rights movement.

The matter is now in the hands of the Georgia Senate Transportation Committee.

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