'Cloverfield' sequels news: Third and fourth films may be released in 2018

A screenshot from the 2008 found-footage film, "Cloverfield" Facebook/cloverfieldthemovie

It has been reported that the found-footage monster film series "Cloverfield" may just have wrapped up production for its fourth installment despite not having released a third film yet. The news certainly comes as a shock, since most people did not expect an immediate sequel to be readily available given that not much information has been revealed regarding the plans for the films. 

Although it has not yet been officially confirmed, the title for the fourth "Cloverfield" film is revealed to be "Overlord," which was first hinted in March of 2017. At the time, "Overlord" was being discussed as a hypothetical project that may now be far along in production."Overlord" already has an assigned director in Julius Avery, and scriptwriters Billy Ray and Mark L. Smith -- both of whom penned the critically acclaimed films "Captain Phillips" and Oscar nominated "The Revenant," respectively. 

British actor Jovan Adepo and Wyatt Russell are slated to play the main protagonists in the upcoming "Cloverfield 4" film. Not much details regarding the narrative of "Cloverfield 4" have been revealed, and at this point, it is only known that the film will follow a group of American paratroopers during World War II, who find themselves behind enemy lines and rush to safety.

As they find refuge during the war, they stumble upon a village that is being targetted by the German soldiers and find some form of experiment being conducted, which may provide some background behind the gigantic monster's existence.   

The "Cloverfield" projects have always been shrouded in mystery, especially since there have been no visible attempts at promotions and marketing for the upcoming "Cloverfield 3" film -- which is also known as "God Particle." It has been rumored that the creators are planning to release the third film on Netflix sometime in April of this year.

Although the rumored release date for "Cloverfield 3" is relatively close, no trailer nor official announcement has been made by producer J.J. Abrams. However, it is quite possible for both movies to be released within 2018.