'Clash Royale' news: Players can now unlock Heal Spell card by finishing a challenge

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The Heal Spell card is finally going to be brought into "Clash Royale." However, getting this spell will not be easy, as players will need to successfully win a challenge in order to unlock this ability.

The process for unlocking the spell, titled Heal Spell Draft Challenge, was outlined on Clash for Dummies. It is essentially a draft challenge. "Clash Royale" players will need to match off four cards with the enemy's own set of cards. The difference is that players will have the option to draft the heal spell in battles. While the rewards in winning will be half of what can normally be collected in a normal grand challenge, more will be given once milestones are hit.

Six wins will allow the player to get 10 heal spells, while a dozen will net them 100. Winning 12 battles will allow players to upgrade their heal spell to tournament level. In addition to that, 2,500 gold will be given after four wins and 25,000 after 10. Players will also get a giant chest after winning the eighth battle. However, gamers should note that these prizes are one-time rewards.

According to CR Arena, the first entry is free. However, entering subsequent battles will require 100 Gems each match. However, a prize is guaranteed for every level that players will be pass through during the challenge. The website advised players to keep the win condition in mind while playing.

As the name suggests, the Heal Spell will allow players to replenish the lives of their troops, regardless of whether these are ground or air troops. However, it cannot be used to repair damage to buildings and arena towers. All troops within the target area will heal over time. It heals much more quickly compared to arena towers and king towers, which makes going through the challenge of unlocking it worth it.

The Heal Draft Challenge will become playable by April 28, according to Clash Royale Top Deck.