Church signs promise: catch Pokémon outside, get saved by Jesus inside

Snorlax captures a London church gym in Pokemon Go Ruth Gledhill

We've all heard about the teenagers stuck in their bedrooms playing video games, as rare in the outdoors as Pikachu and MewTwo.

Now these teens are everywhere to be seen – walking around towns, cities, parks and beaches worldwide, collecting and battling pokémon at pokéstops and gyms throughout the nation.

And one place these young people are to be found most of all is at church.

This is because the mapping algorithms behind the game have put thousands of pokéstops and gyms in churches, drawing hundreds of thousands of kids playing Pokémon Go to institutions that might have thought they had lost them forever.

The churches have responded by reaching out to this sought after generation, finding fun and imaginative ways to "compel them to come in".

The Church of Engand even issued guidance on how to catch 'em all.

Christian Today brings you some of the best signs so far, thanks to Twitter Moments.

City Road Methodist Church in Birmingham was first to throw the Pokémon mission ball:

Rachel Duvall tweeted her incredulity:

Angie spotted: 

For Gloria Jackson, it was church as usual:

It's not quite clear what Kenwood church is trying to say:

St Andrew's "quotes" the legendary, MewTwo:

The West End Christian Community offers Pokémon outside, Jesus inside:

And there's this compelling sign:

Naples church has added a little more theology than most:

Wade Pond signals first-hand knowledge with how fast the game drains phone batteries by offering phone charging outside – and a spiritual charge within:

Others are giving away New Testaments, offering to "make your pokéstop a Jesus stop".

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