Church Army is making strides in spreading the word about Jesus with the re-launch of its mission magazine Share It! and a brand new website for Christians to tell the world what Jesus is doing in their community.
The Make Jesus Famous website has been set up to allow young Christians in particular to post up their ideas about what can make Jesus known to others.
Suggestions include going to a fancy dress party dressed as Jesus as a way of telling others about Him and baking “Jesus loves you” cakes or cookies and taking them into work. Another post by Mike Addis suggests an informal game of football as a way of introducing friends and colleagues to church friends.
“The Christians on the team meet before for some food and prayer and then we play until everyone's knackered and can’t run away then a couple of the guys share their testimony about who Jesus is and what He's done, then we play a little bit more,” he writes.
The website’s users are encouraged to post a link to the site on their Facebook pages and can keep up with new ideas on Twitter.
Richard Chambers, Church Army's Communications Officer, said: "Jesus' approach to His followers was to encourage them be radical and inventive, and to share their experiences with one another.
“Make Jesus Famous is looking to get this generation of Christians to inspire one another to share their faith wherever they live.
“So whatever you are doing - or plan to do in the near future - we want to hear your ideas!
“Anyone who registers for Make Jesus Famous will be helping to build an ever-growing evangelism resource, which will harness the amazing Christian creativity that is already out there."
Free magazine Share It! has been re-launched to tell the stories of Church Army’s evangelists and their life-transforming work. The latest edition features a report on Hong Kong evangelist Jackie Pullinger’s address to the recent Church Army conference in which she shared about her work over the last four decades in helping the city’s drug addicts.
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