Christians get behind Northern Ireland Bill to end abortion up to birth for disabilities

Northern Ireland's Parliament Buildings, known as Stormont. Wikipedia

CARE Northern Ireland is backing a Bill introduced to the Northern Ireland Assembly to stop abortion up to birth for non-fatal disabilities like Down's syndrome. 

The Severe Fetal Impairment Abortion Bill is seeking to change the law so that abortions to term - or 40+ weeks - for non-fatal disabilities are no longer legal. 

If passed, the Bill will also mean an end to abortion for treatable conditions like cleft lip or clubfoot. 

The Bill, introduced by Paul Givan MLA, will be debated in the coming weeks before being sent to committee for further consideration. 

It is backed by disability campaigner Heidi Crowter, who said that the current law was "downright discrimination in the womb". 

CARE NI has launched its "Fearfully and Wonderfully Made" campaign in light of the Bill. 

The campaign is encouraging people with pro-life views to contact their MLAs to express support for the Bill. 

CARE NI's Director, Tim Martin said: "Our view at CARE NI is that we need life-affirming laws that uphold the value of women and babies and this bill is an important first step in achieving this."