Christians Are Called To Speak Up For Righteousness – Here Are 3 Ways To Do It


As God's people, we Christians are commanded to stand up for what God stands for: righteousness, justice, holiness, love and truth. Although it might not be easy, and we might lose some friends in the process, what matters is that we do what is right and stand up for God all the time.

Proverbs 31:8-9 tells us to "speak up for those who can't speak for themselves, for the rights of all who need an advocate. Speak up, judge righteously, defend the cause of the poor and the needy."

It's What Christ Did For Us

Friends, we are commanded to do this not just because it is right, but because it is what God has done for us in sending Christ to the world. We were oppressed by sin and the devil. We desperately needed help because we could not save ourselves. We are impoverished as an effect of sin in our lives, so much so that even if we're rich, we won't be able to pay our way to life.

If Christ did that for us, then we who have received Him and have His Spirit living in us should be doing it for the people that He loves – everyone. Here are some ways we can speak up for righteousness.

1. Defend The Real Victim

We will one way or another find ourselves in situations where somebody gets attacked or treated unfairly. Whether it's family, a friend or even somebody you don't like, we should at least stand up to refute all accusations and lies that are thrown to smear them.

Like God, we must hate "false testimony" and confront it with the truth as we help defend others in need.

"A king detests wrongdoing, for his rule is built on justice." (Proverbs 16:12)

2. Use Your Social Media Accounts To Communicate Relevant Truth

Instead of posting your selfies or other feelings on your social media account, turn it into an avenue for communicating the truth. Know what's happening around you and try to post helpful truths that will help people see rightly.

"The Lord detests evil plans, but he delights in pure words." (Proverbs 15:26)

3. Talk To People About The Plight Of The Needy

We all need love, right? If you need love, that homeless man on the park bench, that orphaned child roaming in the streets, and that lonely old widow need some love, too. Why not talk to others and plan to do something that will bless them and let them know that they're not forgotten?

"It is a sin to belittle one's neighbour; blessed are those who help the poor." (Proverbs 14:21)

Let Jesus Fuel You

Friends, Jesus was and is the ultimate Advocate that we have. He came here to show us God's love; gave His life to redeeming ours; rose for our justification and hope; and is right now continually standing before God and interceding for us.

He never stopped standing up for righteousness even though He was mocked, kept fighting for our salvation even though His terrifying and not to mention undeserved death by cross was coming, and didn't give up until His blood was spilled for our freedom.

Let Christ's love fuel you to stand and speak up for what God wants to be done.