Christian Speaker Writes Touching Tribute to His Wife, Says She Has 'Many Beautiful Versions'

Dale Partridge enjoying bonding time with his wife Veronica and their pet dog. (Facebook/Dale Partridge)

Being married to one woman is certainly not "boring" as some men may imagine it to be. In fact, a husband can find "many beautiful versions" of the woman he married through the years.

This point was raised by Dale Partridge, a best-selling author and Christian motivational speaker from Oregon, U.S.A., in a viral Facebook post he wrote on Nov. 4.

In underscoring the beauty of monogamy, Partridge made a heartwarming tribute to his wife Veronica. He accompanied the post with a picture of him embracing his wife.

In the post, Partridge noted that some men are worried "that marriage will leave them with 'only one woman' for the rest of their lives."

He said this is "simply not true."

He wrote: "I fell in love with a 19-year-old rock climber, married a 20-year-old animal lover, started a family with a 24-year-old mother, then built a farm with a 25-year-old homemaker, and today I'm married to a 27-year-old woman of wisdom.

"If your mind is healthy, you'll never get tired of 'one woman.' You'll actually become overwhelmed with how many beautiful versions of her you get to marry over the years.

"Don't say no to marriage, say yes and keep saying yes until the day you die."

The Facebook post has since been "liked" more than 650,000 times, and shared nearly 300,000 times.

The post appeared to have touched the hearts of a good number of Facebook readers. One of them named Walter Gali commented: "... this is some seriously cheesy cornball writing. And it puts in to words exactly what I was feeling staring at my wife earlier tonight. I fall in love with her every other day or week because of what you wrote here. Stop cutting onions on me bro. For reals."

Partridge followed up his post with another inspiring tip on how men should treat women.

In his Nov. 11 Facebook post, he wrote: "Men, never compare your wife to another woman. Because the fastest way to kill something special, is to compare it to something else. Left unchecked, comparison leads to replacement.

"And a woman who feels like she's moments from being exchanged for something better, is a woman left feeling insecure and undervalued.

"God brought this woman for your story to grow you as a man. Thinking otherwise is merely a backdoor to escape maturity."

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