A Christian paediatrician is under fire for her decision not to offer care to the new-born baby of a lesbian couple in Michigan, USA.
Dr Vesna Roi of Eastlake Pediatrics initially agreed to care for Bay Windsor after she was born to Krista and Jami Contreras. However, she passed responsibility to a colleague, who said Roi told her that she "decided this morning that she prayed on it and she won't be able to care for Bay".
Jami Contreras said: "It was embarrassing, it was humiliating and here we are, new parents trying to protect her, and we know this happens in the world and we're completely prepared for this to happen other places. But not at our six-day-old's wellness appointment."
The couple shared the story on social media and it led to widespread anger, though Roi's action was not illegal in Michigan.
She later wrote to the couple saying that she had not meant to hurt them, but adding: "After much prayer following your prenatal, I felt that I would not be able to develop the personal patient doctor relationship that I normally do with my patients. I felt that was not fair to the two of you or to Bay." She apologised for not communicating the decision to them personally and said: "Please know that I believe that God gives us free choice and I woul never judge anyone based on what they do with that free choice."
Asked to comment by 7 Action News, she offered a statement saying: "Much of what has been circulated in the media and publicly has been taken out of context or is untrue.
"As a doctor I'm constrained by patient privacy concerns and may not further comment on this matter at this time.
"I'm a born-again Christian who believes that God loves all people, as do I. I wish nothing but the best for Jami, Krista and baby."