Christian Gang Drama Tackles UK Youth Crisis

|PIC1|Faith Drama Productions' Life on the Stairs is once again going on a national tour this summer to tackle the knife and gun killing crisis that has blighted youth culture and plagued a number of communities.

Written by 2003 Carlton Hobbs Award winner Gbemisola Ikumelo, the play is based on the tragic but increasingly familiar news reports of youths who have lost their lives to shootings, gang war and revenge killings.

"One of the reasons I am so passionate about working with young people now is so that they can see there is a much bigger world out there beyond hoodies and flash ring tones," states Ikumelo.

"God has called them to be a generation who will do 'exploits'. It's far more individual to latch on to Christ than some trend. Trends will change and die down, but God will always remain constant."

The organisers hope the play will highlight the importance of positive living and speak to young people about the negative effect of gang war, gun and knife crimes and revenge killings.

Last year, the play debuted at the Stratford Rex in London to rave reviews. This year, the play has been revised and will go on its first national tour focusing on the cities of London and Birmingham. More than 35 young people will form the cast and crew of the play.

In London, Life on the Stairs will show 28 July at People Show Studios, Pollard Road. The play will run for eight days in Birmingham at the Crescent Theatre from 3 to 11 August.

Many of the young actors in the cast are from disadvantaged backgrounds and have experienced firsthand what it really means to live life on the stairs.

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