Christian family loses appeal against removal of children for 'radicalism and indoctrination'

The Bodnariu family.

A Christian family whose children were taken from them by Norway's child welfare services has lost an appeal against their removal.

The Bodnariu family's five children were removed on the grounds of "Christian radicalism and indoctrination".

Marius Bodnariu is a Romanian married to Ruth, a Norwegian. Formerly members of the Philadelphia Pentecostal Church in Bucharest, they moved to Norway 10 years ago to start a family there and live in Naustdal on the west coast, north of Bergen. According to the couple, their children were removed without warning on November 16.

The case is the latest in a string of incidents in which the welfare services (the Barnevernet) has been accused of targeting the children of immigrants and mixed families.

The hearing yesterday dismissed their appeal. It ruled that Marius and Ruth are allowed to see their three-month-old baby Ezekiel twice a week for two hours. They can also see their two sons, but not their older daughters.

They are exploring options for further legal action.

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