|TOP|Technology has allowed the proclamation of Christianity to accelerate in the past years. And when e-books arrived in the scene, Faithwriters.com knew exactly what to do— to grab hold of the Christian e-book revolution with their online store.
FaithWriters.com has recognised the importance of providing a professional avenue for Christian writers to be able to publish their work, and have consistently made opportunities for their members to be able to accomplish this over the past years.
Editor, writer and longtime FaithWriters’ member, Deborah Porter said, “An author sows their very soul into every word they write. The cost in terms of their time, effort, blood, sweat and tears, is beyond price. So it is wonderful to see this opportunity for them to not only promote their work in such a user-friendly environment, but also receive payment in full each time someone downloads their book. It’s a little bit of financial recognition for all the hours that went into its creation.”
|AD|With traditional publishing out of the reach of most authors, and self-publishing often proving an expensive, sometimes disappointing, experience, the e-book format provides a more than satisfactory, cost-effective alternative. In the case of FaithWriters.com, there is the quite substantial added bonus that the author retains complete control over their literary creation.
In addition authors receive 100% of all their book sales through the e-bookstore.
According to the site, the e-book revolution is expected to continue for generations to come, despite traditional books being first in mind of the current majority.
FaithWriters.com was launched on September 1, 2001, and has grown to become the largest online destination for Christian authors on the web. Members include writers from all around the world.
To learn more about FaithWriters.com, please visit their website a http://www.faithwriters.com