Christian Aid Provides Worship Pack on Climate Change

|TOP|Climate change has caught the public’s attention, leading to an increase in demand more information and theological reflection on the issue.

In light of this development, Christian Aid has produced a new worship pack on climate change, Time to Change the Climate.

The pack includes suggestion for worship alongside stories from partner organisations around the world which are affected by climate change.

This is the first step towards Christian Aid providing support for churches as they tackle their response to climate change. Updates will be available to download from the charity’s website throughout the year.

|AD|According to the charity, some 182 million people in sub-Saharan Africa alone could die of disease directly attributed to climate change by the end of the century.

In addition, many millions more throughout the world face death and devastation due to climate-induced floods, famine, drought and conflict, according to The Climate of Poverty, Facts Fears and Hope, Christian Aid report May 2006.

Climate change presents two challenges: carbon dioxide emissions must be reduced and the poorest nations in the world must be supported as they seek ways to minimise and adapt to the destruction climate change will inevitably bring.

“It is time to change the climate of apathy that prevails in our privileged communities and take action to stop global warming devastating the world’s most vulnerable countries,” said Dr Paula Clifford, head of church communications at Christian Aid.

“Theological reflection must acknowledge a Christian response to climate change is not just about being a good steward of nature but about taking seriously our responsibility towards other human beings, especially the poor.”

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