CD Projekt Red news: Studio denies 'low morale' among employees

The official logo of Polish video game developing company, CD Projekt Red. Facebook/CDPROJEKTRED

It has been more than two years since video game developers, CD Projekt Red, came up with the most acclaimed title of all time, "The Witcher 3." The company was able to accomplish so much with their video game, and in the process, they have garnered substantial accolades and recognition in the industry. This begs the question as to why the staff's morale has rumored to be decreasing after so much success. This is despite the news of another game on the way.

According to Gamespot, some ex-employees from the Poland-based video game studio had claimed that they decided to leave due to "low staff morale." However, CD Projekt Red denied these claims. They responded swiftly to these allegations. Co-founder of the company, Marcin Iwinski, and studio head, Adam Badowski, took to social media and stated that the company has a very different way of working compared to conventional companies.

They went on further to add that "just require a lot of faith, commitment, and spirit. This approach to making games is not for everyone." The complaint from the former employee popped up on a site called Glassdoor, wherein companies are up for review by regular people. CD Projeckt Red cleared the air by saying that they would usually not pay attention to platforms such as these, according to Rolling Stone.

However, since they have not released any news in a while, they took it upon themselves to do so. News like this can be devastating, especially for companies such as CD Projeckt Red, who pride themselves on "reinventing the wheel." In a report by PC Gamer, CD Projekt Red has doubled their workforce from 200 since "The Witcher 3" came out. Even then, the company is still described to have the qualities of an independent one.

The game developers assured their fans that the company and its staff are in good hands. Furthermore, the company is now hard-at-work on their next title "Cyberpunk 2077," which is a futuristic role-playing game (RPG) that promises a formidable plot line, according to Kotaku. However, in the statement that the company had sent out, the issues have not been addressed clearly as the site had pointed out.