Catholic group: 'Build bridges' between UK, Europe despite Brexit

Late last month, majority of residents in the United Kingdom voted in a referendum to withdraw from the European Union. Much uncertainty ensued after the shocking results of the vote, with economic indicators falling and even leaders appearing unsure as to how to take charge in "Brexit."

In an interview with Vatican Radio's Georgia Gogarty, Caritas Europa secretary general Jorge Nuño Mayer raised concerns that the UK's decision to split from the European Union will worsen poverty in the region. In an earlier statement, the Catholic group said its "core European values are being threatened" by the Brexit.

Saying that Brexit is "one symptom more of many where there is a gap between the political decision and the needs of the people," Gogarty urged British and European leaders to talk and find ways to solve problems that will affect their constituents.

"We want to build bridges... we need more dialogue. People are not listened to by politicians and the real concerns of the people are not being taken into account," the Caritas Europe official told Vatican Radio.

He also encouraged Christians and other groups to help in the process of making sure that "people are better listened to" while the UK is undergoing the process of separating from the entire European Union. He added that what the British people need now is "clarity."

Gogarty further said that core Catholic values like social justice and solidarity need to be observed in the process of undergoing the Brexit.

"it is important that when economic decisions are being taken there must be an assessment; what impact will the decision have on people?" the Catholic aid official said.

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