Casey Anthony news 2017: 'Most hated' mother moving on with life

Casey Anthony walked out of jail a free woman in 2011. Wikimedia/Orlando Sentinel

Nine years after her daughter Caylee's death, Casey Anthony is living a quiet life in South Florida.

In 2011, then 25-year-old Casey was called the "most hated woman in America" after her shocking acquittal from murder and manslaughter charges. This despite strong evidence that Anthony caused the death of her two-year-old daughter.

Thousands gathered at Florida's Orange County Courthouse to protest the jury's decision, to no avail.

Her lawyer, Cheney Mason, then said the public's wrath made Anthony fear for her life, but not anymore.

Sources told People that from being the country's most hated mother, Anthony, now 31, is enjoying being an anonymous woman.

"People pretty much leave her alone. She can go out and no one really bothers her," one source said.

Since her acquittal, Anthony reportedly lived her life as a recluse, hiding from the world and spending most of her time on the internet.

Another insider said enough time has passed for people to forget, and Anthony is not as toxic as she used to. Her new outlook in life has reportedly attracted new people in her life, and she has even started dating again.

"She's going out now and then. She's got a circle of friends, and guys are paying attention to her again. Guys are even asking her out now," the second source shared.

As Anthony starts new relationships, it looks like the ones she had since birth are forever lost. She has been at odds with her family since Caylee's death. And while she occasionally talks to her mother Cindy and brother Lee, sources say she has had very little contact with her father, George, who her legal team accused of molesting her.

With Anthony trying to reclaim her life, she reportedly asked the court to dismiss a case filed by Roy Kronk, the man who found Caylee's remains in the woods near the Anthony family's homes.

Kronk claims Anthony asked her lawyers to make false allegations against him to cover up her possible involvement in Caylee's death, even suggesting that Kronk killed the toddler himself.